While poring over a map, I discovered that I'd visited 24 countries in 24 years. Surprised by this large number, I decided to document my travel experiences.
So here's the deal...one year, documentation of 24 countries, 115 cities and countless experiences. With stories, photos, anecdotes - I will try to capture what I saw, heard and felt.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Travel Curse

I was supposed to fly out to Tahiti in the last week of December. I will write this post in a 10 point form to illustrate exactly how things happened.

1. In August 2011, I was in Delhi (I'm from Delhi) and applied for a Schengen Visa. I was granted this in 2 days and went off to backpack through Europe. I visited several cities, including Paris.

2. In October 2011, I managed to get a seat for a sailing expedition to Tahiti in an auction.

3. Over the next one month, I received information about the trip. In the middle of November I discovered that I needed a visa for Tahiti.

4. With some research, I discovered that I would have to apply to the French embassy. I also discovered that in order to apply in the US, I would have to visit Washington. (I live in Philadelphia)

5. I decided to apply in India. I had finals going on and had no time to make a trip to Washington. Besides, I'd applied in Delhi a few months ago, so there really shouldn't be a problem. Right?

6. I come back and the French embassy refuses to accept my application. I'm a US resident (?) they say.
(the question mark is because, I'm sure if you ask the US, Indian governments they will unanimously agree that I am an Indian resident)

7. The rule is new. And I try everything to convince them to overlook it. I get a letter from the French Consulate in Philadelphia requesting the French Embassy in India to make an exception. I speak to them and explain how I got a Schengen 4 months ago from Delhi, how I have never broken a single travel law, I do not have NRI status, etc, etc, etc. It doesn't work. They just don't accept the application.

8. I have to cancel my trip to Tahiti...which becomes a huge personal and financial loss to me. Screw you travel curse!

9. I change my flights to just one direct flight back to Philly on the 9th of Jan, early morning.

10. Today is the 8th of Jan. I'm supposed to fly out in 9 hours and British Airways tells me that I'm not allowed to Check In just yet. (!?) I'm guessing they've overbooked the flight, in which case, I'm definitely asking for money.*

And so...the travel curse continues...

(*Tip for all: If you're flying a European airline and they overbook you, you can claim $$. Basically, if it's their fault, you're entitled to compensation. If it's the weather, then not so much. Here's the details of the regulation.)

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